We are No longer Accepting orders.
A new store will be opening August/September 2023.
We're your one stop
scale model
train shop!
Renovation Progress and General News
This page includes postings from June 2010
to date.
See: Pre Move for
postings from before the move
or Early 2010 for postings from the move to the end of June
or Current news for postings from start of 2013 to now.
Date |
December 6,
2012 |
Today we have bars on our front
doors. Unobtrusive but enough to make it very difficult to
smash through the front door glass before the police arrive.

As you can see they are not very visible from outside.

Of course they are more visible from inside but they are still
December 5,
2012 |
The broken new glass door has been
replaced. |
SPAM from Central Hobbies.
One of our suppliers was hacked and their contact list obtained.
Now spammers are sending out E-Mails that appear to come from our
address. Spam is coming
from every address that was in the suppliers contact list. Despite
having our email address on the
spam, it is not from us. |
29, 2012 |
The new glass door if (temporarily)
installed. We also have a modified door lock that
requires a key to get out.
Still to come are bars on the inside of the door.
14, 2012 |
Trains 2012
has passed into history. It was a trying year for the show
committee but they still managed to present a great show.
At this time there is no committee to run Trains 2013
so we do not know if there
will be a Trains 2013 next year.
Many rumours were flying around at the show
but I do not know how solid many of them are. There does need to be a
November event of some
kind. We will see what happens in the new year. |
November 6, 2012 |
Third time and still not lucky!
Monday morning there was yet another attempt to smash in our front door
and get into the store.
They did succeed in making a hole through both panes of glass but the
police were here before
they got any further. Unfortunately they got away.
So after the glass is replaced, bars will be put on the front door.
Time to pursue the idea of a
motion sensitive camera on the front door.
October 19,
2012 |
The street parking in front of the
store is Two-Hour Enforced parking.
You can park in the lot at the west end of the building or behind the
building. You can use stalls
1 through 20.
October 16,
2012 |
The Chilliwack 2012 show has passed.
It was a good show. Despite rumours that they
would be moving due to greatly increased facility fees it looks like
they will be back at the same
location next years. Seems the facility managers realized that the fee
increases were too high
when almost all the shows went away.
October 9,
2012 |
Trees are wonderful unless they hide
your store sign. For the last few years the young trees
planted in front of the store have been growing up and hiding our store
sign from passers by. This
week the city came by and trimmed them. Now our sign is visible again.
July 17,
2012 |
The PGE 100th Anniversary Convention
was this last weekend in Squamish at the WCRA
Railway Heritage Park. It was a good convention with a Great Banquet.
We had a good time
there. The Convention Organizers are to be congratulated on organizing
a Great event.
June 5,
2012 |
The 2012 inventory night has passed.
It was a long but fruitful evening. Our thanks to
everybody who came and helped: AM, BL, CD(1), DS, EM, GG, GW(1), GM(1),
GW(2), GK,
GM(2), JG, JL, MM, NR, RM, TJ(1), TJ(2), CD(2), F, GM(3), MM and not to
forget Monkey. |
May 28, 2012 |
Ron Keith April 15, 1931 - May 28, 2012
Memorial service on Saturday, June 9th at 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew's
Anglican Church in
Langley |
May 22,
2012 |
The 2012 inventory is fast
approaching. Rather that count it we may delay a few shipments
until after the Inventory in June. |
March 29,
2012 |
Another break-in attempt.

4:30 this morning someone attempted to break in again with the same
results as last time - a mess
and plywood on our door for a few days.
Otherwise it is business as usual.
I wonder of this person understands that there is nothing easily
convertible to cash in the store
and we talk to all the other stores so they will know what is stolen
and let us know if it shows up
Time to put video surveillance on the front door again. We had it in
the old store when we had a
rash of break-in attempts many years ago. |
March 13,
2012 |
Impatient Customer Attempts to shop while were are closed.
Late Saturday night somebody attempted to break into Central Hobbies. They tried to smash out
the glass in the front door. If they had bothered to look closely they would have noticed that it
was a double pane window. All they succeeded in doing was smashing the outer pane and
making a mess. The result is we will have some plywood in our door until the window is
replaced and a bill for repair to pay.
Otherwise it is business as usual.
January 26, 2011
John French - January 29, 1945 -
January 23,
2012. - . His obituary can be found at:
John French |
27, 2011 |
18, 2011 |
We have a new rack from Midwest
products. It was 'fun' to move in and set up. When it is
fixed and stocked it will have MidWest: Balsa Wood, Bass Wood, Dowels
and Plywood..
15, 2011 |
Trains 2011 is now history. It was a
good show for us.
Speaking as the chair, it was a bear this year. Too many problems to
deal with. Still we managed
it. |
30, 2011 |
Our new neighbor, DeSerres is now
August 19,
2011 |
There will be a bit more chaos than
usual tomorrow (Saturday the 20th). We are moving
our main display case and bringing in a new one. We will now be able to
display the majority of
the brass we have for sale as well as better display other products. It
shouldn't take too long for
the movers to bring in the new cabinet.
August 12,
2011 |
Renovations have started next door
as a result some of the noise and mess we suffered
through in the old store is back with us. Happily they are doing most
of the noisy work in the
morning before we open and parking has not been impacted. DeSerres now
shows as opening in
the Fall.
June 17,
2011 |
As noted on our home page our new
neighbour will be
DeSerres. We regard them as an excellent fit as a
neighbour and look forward to their store opening in September.
March 30,
2011 |
Jason Shron is coming to Central
Hobbies, Tuesday June 28, 2011 from 5pm to 8pm to
show pre production models of the "CANADIAN".
March 28,
2011 |
The show on Sunday in Nanaimo was a
great show! We had a good time and met many
good people. We will be back in 2012. Ken Rutherford and his helpers
are to be congratulated for
putting on a great show.
March 27,
2011 |
Contrary to rumours being spread
CN-Sig paint is in good supply. We have all colours in
stock. |
Feb 17,
2011 |
Lance Camp passed away yesterday from another stroke. Details as we
learn them. His memorial
service will at the Chan Centre Saturday April 2, 2011.
Feb 17,
2011 |
Talking with MicroEngineering today
they informed us that the mould for HO Scale Code
55 flex track is broken. It will be a year or more before the mould is
replaced so we will not see
any HO Scale code 55 flex track for a year or more. |
Feb 15,
2011 |
It has been a while since I posted
here so there are a few things to note.
Jan 24 passed by without note. Has it really been a year since we
The 2011 Canadian Trackside Guide has arrived.
For Digitrax users it is the Empresses Birthday today.
After just over a year with concrete floors and no problems, our floor
was christened today with
our first broken bottle of paint. The name of the fumble-fingered
customer shall be kept secret
but we know who they are. |
January 6,
2011 |
presumed kidnaped, Model Power Joe. His domicile, package P/N 5724 is
We can only assume that someone took him home without paying.
I hope that they enjoy
January 4,
2011 |
Happy New Year-
Well we made it through another year. I hope everybody
had a good safe New years.
The first new item of 2011 is: "Canadian Rail" magazine, Issue No. 539,
Nov/Dec 2010 for $
December 28, 2010 |
As 2010 draws to a close it is time to pause a moment and remember
those who left us this
Phil Pool, Gib Cavaghan, Guy Brooke, Burc Cander, Peter Anthony and
John Maughan
are a few of the people who are no longer with us.
On a late note we have just been informed that Alex Little passed away
late November.
November 15, 2010 |
There is an instore Athearn Sale .
All in stock Athearn Locomotives and Cars. HO or N Scale (even O) are
10% off.
The Sale does not apply to Athearn
train sets.
Fox Valley N Scale Rolling stock 10% off. Other in store specials.
Drop by and check it our. In store shopping only. |
November 15, 2010
Month to
Christmas. . . Sorry didn't mean to startle you. <
G >
We have everything for the model railroader.
If you do not know what to get them, buy them a gift certificate and
let them choose what
they want. |
November 15, 2010 |
Winter has reared its head again and it still Fall! If this Fall what
will Winter be like. The snow
sure makes the world look pretty but it can be a pain to drive in.
Happily this is a light snow fall
and the roads are a bit slushy but otherwise clear.
November 18, 2010 |
The next Canadian Trackside Guide will be released in January 2011.
October 6, 2010 |
A big job completed. The Athearn HO Scale page was way too big. It has
now been split into five
separate pages. As well images have been added to some (but not all
yet) products and more
information as to arrival dates has been added.
- Athearn Assembled
Products 1 to Ford
- Athearn Assembled
products Gondola to
- Athearn Assembled
Products Covered
- Athearn Assembled
Products Maxi to Tank
- Athearn Assembled
Products Box Cars
Now to start on the locomotives.
September 8, 2010 |
We survived another bout of road work. This is supposed to be the last
road work (for now) as
the final patches have been put in.
Due to possible labour problems CN has canceled the Royal Hudson trip
in early October.
September 4, 2010 |
In case you missed the note on our
home page, the 2011 Walthers HO Scale
catalogs have arrived. They are priced at US List ($ 15.98) in Canadian
August 17, 2010 |
The road work lasted until Monday but it is all clear now. No problems
for now. Of course
sometime in the future they will be back to put in the permanent
August 12, 2010 |
It looks like the "City" is going to help our business by tearing up
Grandview highway again.
There will be minor road inconveniences Friday while they cut up the
road. Saturday and Sunday
there will be lane closures. Traffic will still be allowed through but
it will be slow single lane.
Skytrain will be the best way to get here. If you are driving I would
approach by Renfrew street
and park on 12th behind the store. By Monday traffic should be back to
August 10, 2010 |
Considering where this postings on this page wander sometimes I am
starting to think that it
should be renamed, perhaps Bill's Babble or Random thoughts from a
Random Mind.
LED Strip Lighting
Yesterday (9th) as I was wandering around North Vancouver looking for a
cell phone that I liked
at a price I was willing to pay (no joy yet) and killing time while a
mechanic performed a wallet
lightening job on our mini-van, I came across a place selling LED
They had LED strip lighting in various colours and sizes of LEDs. I
picked up two metres of
warm white. It is about $ 20.00 a metre. It runs off of 12 volts ands
can be cut up into three LED
segments. The segments have solder pads so they can be joined together
with wires. These are
very bright.
I mounted the two metre length under a shelf shining on the layout on
the shelf below that. At
night in a darkened room with little light coming in through windows or
door ways, these cast
enough light to work on or run the layout by.
As well as being bright there are two other important benefits: they do
not product much heat and
they only use low voltage (12 Volt) power so there are few wiring
safety issues.
If you are interested in the LED strip lighting the place is called:
Lights & Parts - LED Lights and Accessories
1051 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, V7P 1S6, Phone: 604-778-340-3002.
4, 2010 |
Because this file was getting a bit large, it has been split into three
parts (for now).
This page Current Postings
includes postings from July 2010
to date.
The file for postings from the move to the end of June 2010 is Early
See: Pre Move for
postings from before the move.
Every couple of months or so a new file will be created but that's next
years problem.
30, 2010 |
Ok now that you are awake, nothing much to worry about. The Big water
jug on our water cooler
developed a small leak and we didn't notice it until most of the jug
had emptied on to the floor.
A pain to clean up but no damage done. Back to the book inventory. |
N Scale Circus - MicroTrains has
announced a new Circus train: The Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey Traveling Big Top Extravaganza!. This
N Scale set released monthly
starting in January 2011 will consist of nine cars, a caboose and a
4-4-0 Steam locomotive.
More details at:
Micro-Trains Big
28, 2010 |
More work on the books. Everything inventoried (so far) is now online.
There are three killer
shelves to go and a few other locations. It doesn't help that I changed
the shelf numbering system
in mid inventory. |
27, 2010 |
Mark from Hobbycraft put out a posting with more details on the
TrueLine Trains CPR Minibox
due sometime next year.
CP Minibox - The Canadian
Pacific had 7500 of these 40', low height interior
boxcars built for them in 1939 and 1940. They served throughout Canada
and the U.S. for more
than forty years, and continued on in a work service capacity for many,
many more. TLT is
happy to announce that we will be producing these iconic boxcars in
plastic for the first time
ever. Details will include: lumber doors, AB or KC brakes, Ajax or
staff brake wheels, and
wood or metal roof-walks as appropriate. They will also include coupler
lift bars, metal couplers
and separate tackboards as a few of the other additional details. Paint
schemes will include CANADIAN PACIFIC block, script, 'stepped', 'Spans
The World',
and possibly a CP Rail work service car with icicle breakers. Many
ended up in the hands of
BCOL, and we are covering those, too!
Details as to road numbers and what details apply to which paint scheme
will be released shortly.
Although we do not have complete information on these models we are
accepting reservations
based on
Herald .
You can see some details about the prototype at :
Freight Cars.com.
24, 2010 |
Now that the new book area is reorganized it is time to start
rebuilding the book database. We
will not have the five hundred plus titles we had before the move but
we should still have a
couple of hundred titles in stock. As new books arrive they go straight
into the database and
online. The rest of the books will be entered when the shelf inventory
is finished. |
22, 2010 |
The Bachmann NMRA National announcements are now online at:
Bachmann Announcements . The three-truck Climax looks very
interesting. As well they
are now selling replacement gears and universals for the HO Scale
two-truck Climax. Note that
these parts are only available directly from Bachmann. |
22, 2010 |
We have a new web page for the InterMountain Z Scale Grain Cars. See: InterMountain Z Scale |
22, 2010 |
It has been a day for updating Trueline Trains information:
- New
pre announcement - CPR Mini Boxes in late
2011. Full details when they are released but for now what we know is
at: Mini Box
- New
pre announcement - A second run of Fowler
Box cars (and stock cars) with new tooling. Delivery mid 2011. See: Fowler Box Cars
- The new delivery date for the
Eight-Hatch reefers is late 2010. Details at: Eight
Hatch Reefers
- New
A second run on CNR and CPR Slab Side
Covered hoppers. Details at: Slab Side
- New
pre announcement - a second run of CNR 5-
Axle C-Liner B Units. Details at: C-Liner 5 Axle B
- It looks like the missing CNR
green 5-Axle C-Liner B Units have been found. We will have
stock shortly. Details at:
C-Liner 5 Axle B Units
- MP40-3C and MP36-3C & 3S
locomotives are now due mid 2011.
- RS-18U models now due mid 2011.
Details at
- The second run of N-Scale
newsprint cars with revised tooling is getting close.
Note that there have been a few minor price changes in TLT products.
As always details and prices on TLT products subject to change without
notice. |
22, 2010 |
The July-August issue of the Branchline magazine has arrived. $ 4.95 +
21, 2010 |
The latest 'Athearn News' is out. Announced are (HO
scale unless otherwise noted):
- Yard Tractors: CN Laser, CP rail
and others.
- 40' Youngstown Door Box Cars -
ATSF: Chief, El Capitan, Grand Canyon, Scout and Super
Chief. Three road numbers each.
- 50' PS5344 Box cars:
Apalachicola Northern, Chicago & North Western, Pee
Dee River ( Pee
Dee River Home )
Mexican . Three road numbers each.
- 62' Tank Cars - Six BNSF Fuel
tenders, some reruns.
- 45' Containers: CMA/CGM, Dong
Fang, Hapag Lloyd, Hyundai. Two three-packs each.
- In HO and N Scales a 2-6-0 Mogul.
C&O, CNR, D&RGW and SP (Daylight). Two road
numbers each. DC only.
- In HO and N scales 50' Overland
Passenger Cars. C&O, CNR, D&RGW and SP (Daylight)
a coach and a four-pack (Baggage/Combine, Mail Car, Coach and Business
- Thrall Gondolas: Commonwealth
Edison, FPPX, Herzog and Union Pacific. Each road name
a single car and three five-packs.
- Easter 4 Window Cabooses: CNJ,
D&TS, Chessie/WM and Reading. Two road numbers
- 45' Fruehauf Z-van Trailers: four
road names.
- Ford F850 Grain trucks: six
colours of cab.
- Genesis Burlington Northern F7 or
F7A&B sets. One F7a and Two A&B sets. DC only or
DCC and Sound.
- In HO and N scales F45 / FP45, DC
only or DCC and Sound (both scales!).
HO - ATSF Late, GN Big Sky Blue, ATSF Pin Stripe.
N - BN, Santa Fe Kodachrome, ATSF Super Chief and Santa Fe late
Full details on the appropriate Central Hobbies web pages:
Assembled Products, Athearn Advance
Announcements , Athearn
Locomotives Kits and Assembled ,
N Scale
Advance orders by mid August.
As usual we will be stocking local road names and whatever strikes our
fancy. A reservation will
Guarantee delivery of the models you want.
July 20,
2010 |
Here is some information we have gleaned from various sources about new
Announcements at the National Train Show in Milwaukee.
Soundtraxx has announced non
sound decoders for $ 19.99 US$. These have the same
motor drive and motor drive code as the sound equipped decoders. This
will make it easier to
consist sound equipped and non sound equipped models.
July 16,
2010 |
Here is some information we have gleaned from various sources about new
Announcements at the National Train Show in Milwaukee.
- Bachmann
- HO Scale GP9 w DCC: ATSF,
B&O, CN, L&N, PRR. Est MSRP $ 89.00
US$. Delivery late 2010
- HO scale RS3 with DCC:
B&M, D&RGW, NYC, PRR, Southern, WM. Est MSRP
$ 99 US$. (Don't we already have enough RS3 models?) Delivery late 2010
- early 2011.
- For steam fans an HO scale
Baldwin modern 4-4-0 steam locomotive with DCC or
DCC and Sound: GNR, L&N, SCL, Southern, Undecorated Black. Est
MSRP $ 300 US$, $ 445
US$ DCC and Sound. Delivery late 2010.
- For logging fans to complement
the three-truck shay and two-truck climax an HO
scale three-truck Climax: Cass, Clear Lake Lumber Co., Climax Demo,
Unlettered Black. Est MSRP $ 350 US$ or $ 495 US$ with sound. Delivery
Late 2010.
- For traction fans - an HO
scale Single-truck Birney safety streetcar with DCC:
Baltimore, New York & Queens, Philaphelphia, Sacramento, and
Third Avenue Railway System.
Est MSRP $160 US$. Delivery late 2010.
- For N scalers (and HOn30
modellers) an N scale Baldwin 4-6-0 steam locomotive
with DCC: C&NW, NYC, Southern Ry. (green with gold stripes),
UP, and unlettered black. Est
MSRP $150 US$. Delivery late 2010.
- An N scale GP9 with DCC:
B&O, Chessie System, Clinchfield, NYC, PRR, UP. Est
MSRP$99. Delivery late 2010.
- As predicted by a local
modeller as soon as he figured out how to make a 70 Tonner
out of their existing 44 tonner an N scale GE 70-tonner with DCC:
Bethlehem Steel, L&N, SP,
Pinted unlettered (red, green, yellow, black and yellow and black. Est
MSRP $115 US$. Delivery
late 2010.
- Bachmann has announced
Cityscenes building kits. I do not know if this is a re
release of the city buildings they had years ago. Ambassador Hotel, Bus
Station, Department
Store, Metropolitan Building, Savings & Loan, Trade Tower, and
Variety Store. Prices from $79
US$ to $ 119 US$. Delivery third to fourth quarter 2010.
- Bachmann has announced a
Motorized turntable indexed for 16 positions. It is
supposed to work with DC and DCC. Supposed to be adaptable for On30.
Estimated MSRP
$140. Delivery Late 2010. More details as to size, etc. they are
- On30 Porter 0-4-2T and 0-4-0T
steam locomotives with DCC. Est MSRP $ 150 US$ DCC or $ $ 275 US$ DCC
and Sound. Delivery late 2010.
- N scale Peter Witt streetcar.
Baltimore Transit Co., Brooklyn & Queens Transit,
Chicago Surface Lines, Los Angeles Ry., St. Louis Ry., and Toronto.
DCC. Estimated MSRP
$ 140 US$. Delivery late 2010.
- For you Marklin
- An HO scale Pennsylvania RR
class L-1 Mikado steam engine. Pennsylvania RR
class L-1 Mikado freight locomotive. MFX digital sound decoder.
Estimated MSRP $650 US$.
Delivery time frame unknown.
- An HO scale Pennsylvania F7
A-B-A draw bar connected diesel locomotive set.
MFX digital sound decoder. Estimated MSRP $890 US$. Delivery time frame
- American Freight 10-car set.
Two boxcars, two stock cars, three hoppers, two tank
cars and a caboose. Estimated MSRP $ 550 US$. No comment. Delivery date
- Walthers
- An HO scale E8 DCC or DC. PRR
(Broadway Limited). Price TBA. Delivery 3rd
quarter 2010.
- An HO scale F3 (AB or A only),
DCC or DC only. ATSF passenger Warbonnet. The info does not indicate
DCC with sound but the price is in the range. More details to follow.
MSRP from $170 US$ (single DC A unit) to $ 460 (DCC A&B set)
Delivery late 2010/early
- HO scale Atchison, Topeka
& Santa Fe Super Chief passenger cars. Nine cars fro
MSRP $ 60 US$ to $ 75 US$. Delivery monthly from October 2010 to May
- HO Scale 1956 Pennsylvania RR
Broadway Limited passenger train. Prices TBA.
Delivery January 2011 and monthly following.
scale and N scale Trinity 64-foot refrigerator boxcar. UP.
- Tangent Scale Models
HO scale American Car & Foundry, 52'-6" welded, 70-ton
drop-end gondola.
- Bar Mills Scale Model
Works HO scale American Seltzer Co. kit Laser-cut wood
with cast-resin and cast-metal details. MSRP $144.95. US$.
- City Classics
HO scale rooftop business sign kits. Three sets (twenty signs each)
MSRP $ 15 US$ a set.
- Sylvan Scale Models
- HO scale 1947 streamlined beer
truck kit. $ 44.95.
- HO scale 1946 Chevy sedan
kits: Two-door Chevy Aerosedan and four-door Chevy
Fleetline sedan. $13.95 each.
- HO scale 1941-47 Chevy
cab-over-engine truck kits Highway tractor or cab and
chassis, $15.95; with dump body, stake body, or gas tank, $19.95.
- Tomar
Dolbeer steam donkey kit. $32.50 US$.
- Con-Cor
- N scale General Electric U50
diesel locomotive
- N scale Union Pacific
gas-turbine locomotive with tender
- A new N Scale coupler system.
- DCC (From
companies that know how to do DCC and we will stock. Other
companies have announced DCC products but we will only bring them in by
- NCE -
Power Pro Digital Command Control throttles. Four-digit light-emitting
diode display, support for 29 functions, up to six recalls, and support
for individual accessories
and macros. Model CAB06 (tethered), $99.95; CAB06r (wireless), $189.95.
August 2010.
- TCS -
Drop-in Digital Command Control decoders. Model LL8 is an
eight-function drop-in decoder for Life-Like P2K. Model EU621 is a
six-function plug-and-play
21-pin decoder.
And many more announcements.
July 16,
2010 |
The store N Scale layout is now up
and running smoothly. We now need a name for the
layout. With the equipment currently running on it you would think that
it is the 'Lake Central'
but that is the private road name of one of our customers.
July 10,
2010 |
We now share a sign in the West
parking lot. Nice to have more visibility. Not as good as
the old awning . |
July 9, 2010
The first news to trickle out in
advance of the NMRA National in Milwaukee next week
is from InterMountain. They are entering Z-Scale with their Canadian
Cylindrical Trough hatch
Covered Hopper. Eleven paint schemes will be released. Should be as big
a winner as it was in
HO and N Scales. The HO Scale Canadian Cylindrical Trough Hatch Covered
Hopper was the
first product they released back in 1992. |
July 7, 2010
Well Summer has finally arrived in
all its Hot Glory.
Makes you appreciate an air conditioned store.
July 6, 2010
The parking spaces in the lane and
parking lot are now lined and numbered.
We do not yet know what numbers are going to be available to us but I
suspect if you park in
spots one to fifteen, you will be OK.
The entrance to the parking in the back is from the West lot.
July 1, 2010
A Black Day for BC, HST has
Postings |
See: Early 2010 for postings before this.
2825 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, V5M 2E1
Phone 1-604-431-0771, Fax
Orders Only 1-888-7TRAINS (1-888-787-2467)
Page and Contents Copyright Central Hobbies 2015 - 2023.