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Decals from Miscellaneous Manufacturers

Here we list decals that have been produced by smaller manufacturers.

S Arthur Decals

Shaun Arthur decals are made by Black Cat for Exclusive distribution by Shaun Arthur.

Scale Description Price
Various Maple Leafs - HO Scale
HO Scale CNR "Canada's Largest Railway", Tilted Wafer, Green Leaf, 1943-1944, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Interim Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf, 1944-1945, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Tilted Wafer, Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Tilted Wafer, White Leaf, 1943-1944, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale CVR "Central Vermont Railway", Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale GTR "Grand Trunk Railway", Tilted Wafer, Green Leaf, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
HO Scale GTW "Grand Trunk Western", Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
Various Maple Leafs - N Scale
N Scale CNR "Canada's Largest Railway", Tilted Wafer, Green Leaf, 1943-1944, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
N Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Interim Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf, 1944-1945, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
N Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Tilted Wafer, Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
N Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf, 1945-1954, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
N Scale CNR "Serves All Canada", Tilted Wafer, White Leaf, 1943-1944, 2 Emblems $ 2.50 Cdn.
Trailers - HO Scale
SA-1 Direct Winters Tractor and Trailer $ 5.40 Cdn.
IMP#PUP Imperial Roadways - one pup trailer $ 5.50 Cdn.
BIS#905 Bison Transport Trailer - one 53' Trailer $ 5.50 Cdn.
INTER 374 Intercity Trailer - White Lettering on red 34' Body $ 5.45 Cdn.
CARA 85 Caravan Trailer - White lettering on a Sky Blue trailer. $ 5.45 Cdn.


Scale Description Price
HO Scale Union Oil Company of Canada Tank Car decal. $ 2.50 Cdn.

New November 23, 2007 . . . Updated January 2, 2010

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Central Hobbies
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Canada, V5M 2E1
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