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A new store will be opening August/September 2023.
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BlackCat Decal Page
Central Hobbies carries the full BlackCat Decal Line in all scales. We try to keep them all in stock but at
times we will be out of a few of them. Black Cat instituted a price increase as of March 1, 2015. This page
shows the new prices. Existing store stock remains at the older prices.
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
AC |
Algoma Central |
ACR#8336 |
Algoma Central Ortner Cars
$8.00 CDN |
ACR#Flanger-H |
Algoma Central Lift Flanger signs-15
$8.00 CDN |
ACR#Pass |
Algoma Central Passenger Cars
$8.00 CDN |
ACR#Signs-H |
Algoma Central Track signs-Yard Limit, Flanger, Close clearance
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNR Misc |
Other CNR Products |
CN#135347-H |
CNR Slabside covered hopper Red block on grey car
$8.00 CDN |
CN#351004-H |
CNR Slabside covered hopper Red Noodle on silver car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#16528-H |
CNR mechanical reefer orange car black lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#855306-H |
CNR wood chip car converted from 50XXXX series single sheath box cars.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Letter-H |
CNR Letterboard. The Dulux yellow CANADIAN NATIONAL that was applied to the letterboard of
$8.00 CDN |
CNR Intermediate Horizontal Leaf. 1944-1945 'Serves'.
$2.50 CDN |
CNR Leaf - 'Canada's Largest Railway'
$2.50 CDN |
CNR White Leaf - 1943-1944 'Serves'
$2.50 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
N-Scale CNR Cars |
CN#135347-N |
CNR Slabside covered hopper Red block on grey car
$8.00 CDN |
CN#351004-N |
CNR Slabside covered hopper Red Noodle on grey car
$8.00 CDN |
CN#598200-N |
CN 50’Long DD box in leaf scheme
$8.00 CDN |
CN#652417-N |
Canadian National flat cars. Set will do several different lengths & capacities in the pre 1961
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #1982-N |
CNR Steam Engines - N-Scale
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #400-6 |
CNR Classic Era Passenger cars. Was the CN Lines Sig 600-06-ms.
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #426038-N |
CNR 36' single sheath Dominion or Fowler car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #476366-N |
Canadian National 40' 10' IH Box Car - Post ’61 noodle
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #525303-N |
Canadian National 40' 10'6" IH Box Car - Post ’61 noodle
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #705770-N |
CNR work / camp Cars N scale
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #Cape-N |
CNR Post 61 Cape/Fort class
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #Cove-N |
CNR Cove & I Class Post 61
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #E-N |
CNR Post 61 E Class Sleeprs
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #Green-N |
CNR Post 61 Green Class Sleepres
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #Numb-N |
CNR Post 61 Numbered Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #River-N |
CNR River Class Sleeper Post 61
$8.00 CDN |
CNR Sky Dome & Full length Superdome Cars Post 61
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #Storm1-N |
CNR Wood caboose Storm/Screen Door - 4 dors, etched brass.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR #West-N |
CNR Post 61 West/South/Val
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#10337-N |
CNR express reefer 1930s- 1961
$0.00 CDN |
CNR#11052-N |
CNR express box car 1930s- 1961
$0.00 CDN |
CNR#110855-N |
CNR open top twin or triple hoppers. Brown hopper with white lettering for twin or triple hoppers.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#124761-N |
CNR GS Gondolas 1930-1961. This set is for GS Gondolas. # 124750-127599 were 36' long
inside. 131000-132499 were 41' long. Gondolas were painted CN#11 mineral brown.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#474605-N |
CNR 40' , 10' IH steel box car angled green Maple leaf. This set covers number series 471000-
487764 & 520000-520999. This angled green leaf was applied 1945-1954.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#475916 -N |
CNR 40' steel 10' IH straight green maple leaf box car. This set covers CNR #471000-487764.
This leaf was applied 1954-1961 during repaints.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#481536-N |
CNR 40' steel 10' IH white maple leaf box car. As delivered until 1943 no leaf was applied. This
white leaf was applied 1943, 1944. This set applies to lettering as delivered as well. Applied to number series
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#505978-N |
CNR 40' steel frame single sheath box cars
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#521749-N |
CNR 40' , 10' IH steel box car “Canada’s Largest”angled green Maple leaf. This leaf was applied
to car series 520000-520999, 521500-521999 & 522000-522499 in 1945 & 1946.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#524206 -N |
CNR 40' steel 10’6? IH angled green maple leaf box car. This leaf was applied to number series
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#538760-N |
CNR 40' steel 10’6? IH straight green maple leaf box car. This leaf was applied to number series
537560-545759 as built 1954-1961. It was also applied to 522500-7559 if repainted 1954-1961.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#551009N |
Box car 50 long 10' 6?IH post ’61 noodle, Combo Door. CNR post 1961 box car 50 long with
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78582-N |
CNR Caboose leaf scheme. Set contains small white leaf large white leaf and green leaf.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNR O-Scale Cars |
CNR #1982-O |
CNR O-Scale Steam Engines
$20.00 CDN |
CNR #426038-O |
CNR 36' Single Sheathed Dominion Box car
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #474605-O |
CNR 40' 10' IH Steel Box Car angled green leaf
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #475916-O |
CNR 40' 10' IH Steel Box Car straight green leaf
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #481536O |
CNR 40' 10' IH Steel Box Car white maple leaf
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #500-1 |
CNR 1956 Billboard Piggyback Trailer O Scale
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #505978O |
CNR 40' steel frame single sheathed box car
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #521749-O |
CNR 40' 10' IH Steel Box car, angled green lead 'Canadas Largest Railway'
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #524206-O |
CNR 40 10'6" IH Steel Box car, green leaf, 50 ton
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #537560-O |
CNR 40' Box car, 10'6" & 9'4" IH interim straight green leaf
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #538760-O |
CNR 40' Box car, 10'6" IH straight green leaf 50 ton
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #78526-O |
CNR O-Scale Cabooses, all three leaves.
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #Cape-O |
CNR Cape/Fort Class, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #Cove-O |
CNR Cove & I Class, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #E-O |
CNR E Class Sleeper, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #Green-O |
CNR Green Class Sleeper, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #Numb-O |
CNR Numbered Cars, Post 61; coach, baggage, diner
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #River-O |
CNR River Class Sleeper, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #Sky-O |
CNR Sky Dome and Full length Superdome Cars, Post 61
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #West-O |
CNR post 61 West, South, & Val class
$11.00 CDN |
CNR Pass-O |
CNR Classic Era Passenger cars - does one car
$11.00 CDN |
CNR#Storm1-O |
CNR open storm doors for caboose, O Scale
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #E-O |
VIA former CNR "E" class sleepers. Blue car with Yellow Stripes
$11.00 CDN |
VIA #Green-O |
VIA former CNR "Green and I Class Sleepers" plus superdomes
$11.00 CDN |
VIA #Numb-O |
VIA former CNR "Numbered cars; coach, baggage, diner"
$11.00 CDN |
VIA #River-O |
VIA former CNR "River" class sleepers. Blue car with Yellow Stripes
$11.00 CDN |
VIA #Val-O |
VIA former CNR "Val, Cape and Mount" cars. Blue car with Yellow Stripes
$10.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNROther |
CNR Other Freight Cars |
CNR#10337-H |
CNR Express Reefers
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#11052-H |
CNR Express Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#110855-H |
CNR Offset Side Hopper - Block Scheme
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#123078-H |
CNR Ore Car - Block Scheme
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#124761-H |
CNR General Service Gondolas
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#1982-H |
CNR Steam Engines
$11.00 CDN |
CNR#209710-H |
CNR 8 Hatch ReefersLeaf Schemes 1949-1961
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#210059-H |
CNR Eight Hatch Reefer White lettering on brown car. 1949-1953
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#214152-H |
CNR Reefer, Noodle Scheme 1961-1970s
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-0 |
CNR Cab Diesel Supplement
$4.00 CDN |
CNR#344184-H |
CNR post ’61 noodle ore car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#56365-H |
CNR Flanger
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#56601-H |
CNR Western Side Dump Gondolas
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#58102-H |
CNR Wrecking Crane
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#652417-H |
CNR Flat Car, White Lettering, 23-70's
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#705770-H |
CNR Work Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#75891-H |
stacked CANADIAN NATIONAL applied 1920s-1941
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78526-H |
CNR Caboose - Tilted Wafer, Small Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78538-H |
CNR Caboose - Horizontal Wafer, Tilted Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78547-H |
CNR Caboose, post 61 noodle
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78582-H |
CNR Caboose - Horizontal Wafer, Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78934H |
CNR Caboose, No leaf, Just Wafer applied 1959&1960
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#78934-H |
CNR 78934 CNR Caboose horizontal wafer No leaf 1959,1960
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#90317-H |
CNR Ballast Car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#990857-H |
Tank Car, CC&F 10,000 gal 1926 Design
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#990925-H |
10,000 Gal War Emergency Tank Car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#9rung-H |
CNR 9 Rung Etched Stainless steel ladders for one 8 hatch reefer.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Storm1-H |
CNR Wood caboose Open Storm Door - 4 doors, etched brass.
$8.00 CDN |
GTR #9936 |
Grand Trunk ventilated box car (1900 Era)
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNRPass |
CNR Passenger Cars |
CNR#Cape-H |
CNR post 61 Cape & Fort class
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Cove-H |
CNR Cove and I Class post '61
$8.00 CDN |
CNR post 61 E class sleepers
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Green-H |
CNR post 61 Green class sleepers
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Numb-H |
CNR post 61 numbered passenger cars- does coaches, diners, baggage, express and includes
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#River-H |
CNR Green Class sleeper post '61
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Sky-H |
Post 61 Black and Grey for Super Domes and Skytop Lounges.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#Star-H |
Sunlight Dome Series Stainless Steel budd Dome: 1966-1968. Sunlight, Starlight, Moonlight
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#West-H |
CNR post 61 West, South, & Val class
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNR S-Scale Cars |
CNR #1982-S |
CNR S Scale Steam Engines
$12.00 CDN |
CNR #279010-S |
CNR 8 Hatch Reefer Red or Green leaf on Grey Car 1940-1961
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #426038-S |
36' Single Sheathed Dominion Car
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #474605-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10' IH Angled Green Leaf
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #475916-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10' IH Straight Green Leaf
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #481536-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10' IH Straight Green Leaf
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #505078-S |
CNR 40' Steel Frame Single Sheathed Box Car
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #521749-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10' IH Canada's Largest Railroad Angled Leaf
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #524206-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10'6" IH Angled Green Leaf 50 Ton
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #537560-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10'6" & 9'4" Interim Straight Green leaf
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #538760-S |
CNR 40' Box Car 10'6" IH Straight Green Leaf 50 Ton
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #6503-S |
CNR Cab Unit Numbers and Lettering
$11.00 CDN |
CNR #78539-S |
CNR Caboose with all three leaves
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #Cape-S |
CNR Cape/Fort Class Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #Cove-S |
CNR Cove & I Class Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #E-S |
CNR E Class Sleeper Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #Green-S |
CNR Green Class Sleeper Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #Numb-S |
CNR Numbered Cars - Post 61. Coacg, Baggage, Diner
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #River-S |
CNR River Class Sleeper Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #Sky-S |
CNR Sky Dome & Full length Superdome Cars Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR #West-S |
CNR West / South / Val Classes Post 61
$9.00 CDN |
CNR Pass-S |
CNR Classic era Passenger cars (pre 1961 Green & Black) 1 car
$11.00 CDN |
CNR#Storm1-S |
CNR open storm doors for caboose, S Scale0
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CNR Box Cars |
CN#598200-H |
50’ Long DD box in leaf scheme
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#426038-H |
36' Single Sheathed Dominion Car
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#474605-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10' IH - tilted Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#475916-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10' IH - horizontal Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#476366-H |
CNR 40' Box Car, 10' IH, post 61 noodle.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#481536-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10' IH - tilted White Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#505978-H |
40 ' steel frame single sheath box cars (covers a lot of resin cars and the accurail car)
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#521749-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10' IH - Canada's Largest RR Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#524206-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10'-6 IH - tilted Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#525303-H |
CNR 40' Box Car, 10' 6" IH, post 61 noodle.
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#537560-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10'-6 IH - horizontal Transistion Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#538760-H |
40' Steel Box Car, 10'-6 IH - horizontal Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#551009H |
CNR 50' Box Car, 10' 6?IH post ’61 noodle
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#598200-H |
CNR 50’ Long DD box in leaf scheme
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Cnsig |
CN Sig Decals |
CNR #300-12 |
CNR Classic era Passenger cars - Extra Striping
$10.00 CDN |
CNR#300-01 |
CNR 1956 Billboard Piggy Back Reefer
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-02 |
1957 38 foot piggy back
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-03 |
Late 1950's Local Cartage
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-04 |
CNR Cab Diesel Supplement
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-05 |
CNR 1926-1954 Wood Reefer
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-06 |
CNR Classic era Passenger cars - 3 sheets
$24.00 CDN |
CNR#300-08 |
CNR 1945-1954 Green Freight Maple Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-09 |
CNR Passenger Service Tilted Red Wafer Monograms
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-10 |
CNR 20 inch Diameter Maple Leaf Monogram
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-11 |
Courtesy & Service Bridge Decal
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-17 |
Courtesy & Service Bridge Decal. 10% Smaller than 300-11
$8.00 CDN |
CNR#300-18 |
CNR Classic era Passenger cars - Extra Names
$10.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPRail |
CP Rail Equipment |
CP #420990-H |
CPRail MOW transport White with red lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #400412 |
Work Cars - CP Rail Post 1967
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #434069 |
CP Rail Caboose
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #528498 |
CP Rail 40' Box Car 10' 6" IH
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #85641 |
CP Rail 50' Box Car Newsprint Service
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Express Cars |
CPR #29106-H |
Express Box Car Tuscan - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #4904 |
CPR 4904 express Box Car Tuscan lettering on silver car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #4910-DH |
Express Through baggage 1914-1928 scheme Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #4910-GH |
CPR 4910 Express Through baggage 1914-1928 scheme Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #5604-DH |
CPR Express Reefer, 1914-1928 era Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #5604-GH |
CPR Express Reefer, 1914-1928 era Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #5618-H |
Express Wood Reefer Tuscan - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #5836-H |
Express Steel 8 Hatch Reefer Tuscan - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Canadian Passenger Cars |
CPR #105-C |
CANADIAN Numbered Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Grove-C |
CANADIAN Grove Class - Silver Car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Chat-C |
CANADIAN Chateau Class
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Din-CH |
CANADIAN Dining Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Man-C |
CANADIAN Manor Class
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Park-C |
$8.00 CDN |
CANADIAN U and View class sleeperss
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Flat Cars |
CPR #301000 |
CPR # 301000 53ft Flat car in Block Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #305560 |
CPR Skeleton Flat Cat. Black car w white lettering.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #309900-H |
CPR#309900 CP & CN depressed center flat cars 1923-1961
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #336485 |
CPR #33485 / 338102 40 ft. Flat Car / Stone Car
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Gondolas |
CPR #340642 |
CPR 52' 6" and 65' Gondolas in Block
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #340998 |
CPR 52' 6" and 65' Gondolas in Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #351214 |
CPR Big Otis Gondola
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Hoppers |
CPR #357156 |
CPR Hoppers, Block Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #364397 |
CPR Hoppers, Script Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #373121 |
CPR Ore Cars
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Heavy Weight Passenger Cars |
CPR #1907 |
CPR Double Bar Passenger Car 1907-1914 Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #1912 |
CPR SanSerif Passenger Gothic (1912-1928) - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #1936 |
CPR 1936 Outlined Passenger Letterboard - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #64 |
CPR Tree Planting Coach - white & dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
A Class dining cars - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
A Class dining cars - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
B, C, L and S class dining and restauraunt cars - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
B, C, L and S class dining and restauraunt cars - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Bus-DH |
Business cars and Non Revenue Pass Cars. - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Bus-GH |
Business cars and Non Revenue Pass Cars. - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Cape-DH |
Cape and Fort Class heavyweight sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Cape-GH |
Cape and Fort Class heavyweight sleeper - Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Coach |
For coaches use 2200 set
$0.00 CDN |
CPR Combine |
For combines use 4700 set
$0.00 CDN |
F & Dale Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
F & Dale Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
G class Heavyweight sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
G class Heavyweight sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Glen-DH |
Glenn Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Glen-GH |
Glenn Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Grand-DH |
Grand Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR H,I,K &L class sleepers in Dulux Gold lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR H,I,K &L class sleepers in Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Lake-D |
Lake, Island & Bay class heavyweight - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Lake-G |
Lake, Island & Bay class heavyweight - Gold
$8.00 CDN |
Mount class heavyweight sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
Mount class heavyweight sleeper - Gold
$8.00 CDN |
N Class heavyweight sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
N Class heavyweight sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
R Class heavyweight sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
R Class heavyweight sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR River-DH |
River Class - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR River-GH |
River Class - Gold
$8.00 CDN |
S Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
S Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
T Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
T Class Heavyweight Sleeper - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
V & J Class Heavyweight Sleepers - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
V & J Class Heavyweight Sleepers - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
V & J Class Heavyweight Sleepers - Gold
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Covered Hoppers |
CPR #380212 |
CPR # 380212 slab side covered hopper in Block lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #380950 |
CPR Slab Side covered hopper in Script lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #381279 |
CPR Slab Side covered hopper in Block for 8 hatch
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #381706 |
CPR Pressure Unloading Car. Silver and Black
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #385973 |
CPR Slab side covered hopper reinforced for Cement in block
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Light Weight Passenger Cars |
CPR #2200-DH |
CPR # 2200 lightweight curved side coach - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #2200-GH |
CPR # 2200 lightweight curved side coach - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #2200W |
2200 Series coach window frames (Silver decal)
$10.00 CDN |
CPR #4700-DH |
CPR # 4700 lightweight curved side; baggage/express car - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #4700-GH |
CPR # 4700 lightweight curved side; baggage/express car - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Grove-DH |
CPR Grove lightweight curved side sleeper - Dulux Gold
$10.00 CDN |
CPR #GroveW |
Grove Sleeper Window Frames 2"
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPRMisc |
CPR Miscellaneous Cars |
CPR #1952-H |
CPR Yellow Piggyback Trailer on Green or Red Truck or Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #1956-H |
CPR Silver Piggyback Trailer with Black Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #1963-H |
CPR Silver Piggyback Trailer with Red Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #40RB-H |
Stainless steel etched running boards for 40 ft CPR box cars and 8 hatch reefers. includes
longitudinal and lateral roof walk and supports, brake stand and eyebolts for one 40' long car.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #415408 |
CPR 8,000 and 10,000 gallon Tank Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #50RB-H |
Stainless steel etched running boards for 50 ft CPR box cars . includes longitudinal and lateral
roof walk and supports, brake stand and eyebolts for one 50' long car.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #7Rung-H |
Stainless steel 7 rung ladders with integral sturrup for CPR wood box & reefer cars. The sturrup is
symmetrical. The stand-offs are for mounting on a wood car.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #8Rung-H |
Stainless steel 8 rung ladders with integral sturrup for CPR steel 10’6? IH box cars. For shorter
CPR steel box & reefers cut top rung off.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Flang |
CPR punched out flanger sign board.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR reweigh dates 1945-1949
$8.00 CDN |
CPR 1950-1954 Reweigh Data
$8.00 CDN |
CPR 1955-1959 Reweigh Data
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Freight Car Reweigh dates 1960-1964
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Freight Car Reweigh dates 1975-1979 Black Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR Freight Car Reweigh dates 1975-1979 White Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR station signboards
$20.00 CDN |
CPR #W1-H |
Work Car Windows. 8 aluminum frame windows 35?H x 26?W modelled in nickle-silver.set
includes plastic “glass” with screen printed. 5 windows can be shown with window raised.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #W1-H |
CPR Work Car Windows 35 Inch High x 26 Inch Wide
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #W2-8 |
CPR Work Car Windows 33 Inch High x 23 Inch Wide
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #W2-H |
Work Car Windows. 8 aluminium framed windows 33?H X 23?H modelled in nickle-silver. set
includes plastic “glass” with screen printed on. Set has a poseable lift section to show window partially open.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Yard -H |
CPR yard limit. Contains 8 Yard limit signs and YARD LIMIT decals.
$8.00 CDN |
CRP #Whist-H |
CPR punched out metal whistle sign
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Diesel Engines |
CPR #1405 |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Block 50-53
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #1433 |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Script 63-67
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #5517 |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Script, 63-67
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #7015 |
S2 Switcher as Delivered (Black with Tuscan panel)
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #7065 |
Diesel Smiley or V front wide yelllow band 1948-1952
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #8479 |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Block 50-63
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #9007 |
CPR Gas Electric with Nose Stripes in Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #9200 |
CPR Dayliners in Tuscan Stripe with Yellow Stripped Ends
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Steam Engines |
CPR #2345-DH |
Steam Engines - Dulux Gold - Does 2 locomotives - one small and one large
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-GH |
Steam Engines - Gold Leaf - Does 2 locomotives - one small and one large
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-TH |
Tuscan Panels supplemental set. Does one steam passenger Loco and tender 1928-1960.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #3879-DH |
Steam Engines - 1914-1928 Scheme (2) - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #3879-GH |
Steam Engines - 1914-1928 Scheme (2) - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
N-Scale CPR Cars |
CPR #1405-N |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Block 50-53
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #1433-N |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Script 63-67
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #19442-N |
Arched Box Car lettering 1890-1912
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #2200-ND |
Lightweight Numbered cars (Coach, Baggage, Mail, Express) - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #2200-NG |
Lightweight Numbered cars (Coach, Baggage, Mail, Express) - Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #225306-N |
CPR 40' - 9'4" IH Box Car, Spans, 3 step and script. 36-67
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-DN |
CPR Steam Engines - Dulux Gold
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-GN |
CPR Steam Engines - Gold Leaf
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-TN |
Tuscan Panels supplemental set. Does one steam passenger Loco and tender 1928-1960.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #244397-N |
CPR 40ft steel, 8' 7" IH (mini box) - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #250582-N |
CPR 40' - 10' IH Box Car, Spans, 3 step and script. 37-67
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #252299-N |
CPR 40' - 10'6" IH Box Car, Spans, 3 step and script. 49-67
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #380212N |
CPR # 380212 slab side covered hopper in block lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #3879DN |
CPR 1914-1928 freight steam engines in Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #400487-N |
CPR Cabooses: Block and Script N-Scale
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #5517-N |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Script, 63-67
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #7015-N |
S2 switcher in as delivered (black)
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #80475-N |
50' Box Car Brown-large script on left & newspaper shield on right
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #81038-N |
CPR 50' green box car – Pine Tree scheme 1966-2000s
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #8479-N |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Block 50-63
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #9007-N |
Gas Electric with Nose Stripes Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #9200-N |
Dayliner Tuscan Side Stripes with Yellow Tiger Stripe Ends
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Name-DN |
CPR N Scale Named Passenger Cars Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Name-GN |
CPR N Scale Named Passenger Cars Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Storm1-N |
Etched brass wood storm doors for CPR wood caboose
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Storm2-N |
Aluminum Storm doors applied to Ex Vision cabooses
$8.00 CDN |
CPR#105 -N |
CANADIAN Numbered Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CPR#Chat-N |
CANADIAN Chateau Class
$8.00 CDN |
CPR#Din-N |
CANADIAN Dining Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CPR#Man-N |
CANADIAN Manor Class
$8.00 CDN |
CPR#Park-N |
$8.00 CDN |
Canadian U and View class Stainless Cars
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Non-Revenue |
CP #422999-H |
CPR MOW Transport
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #400487 |
CPR Flanger/Caboose/Plow - Block
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #401005 |
Work Cars - Block and Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #436194 |
CPR Caboose or Flanger - Script
$8.00 CDN |
Conductor’s caboose identification. Etched brass characters that CP conductors used to identify
their caboose when the cabooses were assigned to specific crews. They were attached to the top of the cupula.
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Storm1-H |
CPR Wood Caboose Storm/Screen Door - 4 doors, etched brass
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #Storm2-H |
CPR Aluminum Storm/Screen Door - 4 doors, etched Nickle-Silver
$8.00 CDN |
Antimcasars for back of passenger seats.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR O-Scale Cars |
CPR #105-O |
Canadian Numbered Cars - no stripes supplied
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #1405-O |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Block, 50-63
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #1433-O |
CPR F units, Maroon & Grey, Script 63-67
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-DO |
Steam Engines - Dulux Gold - Does 2 locomotives - one small and one large
$20.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-GO |
Steam Engines - Gold Leaf - Does 2 locomotives - one small and one large
$20.00 CDN |
CPR #244368-O |
40' Steel box cars, 8'7" Mini Box, "3 Step Gothic"
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #244397-O |
40' Steel box cars, 8'7" Mini Box, "Spans the World"
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #245293-O |
40' Steel box cars, 8'7" Mini Box, "Script"
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #249645-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - Spans the World
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #250582-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - 3 Step Gothic
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #250583-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - Script
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #252293-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - 3 Step Gothic
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #252294-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - Script
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #252299-O |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - Spans the World
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #373121-O |
CPR Ore Cars
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #3879-DO |
Steam Engines - 1914-1928 Scheme - Dulux Gold
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #3879-GO |
Steam Engines - 1914-1928 Scheme - Gold Leaf
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #400487-O |
Flanger, Caboose or Plow. Block and Script
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #528498-O |
40' Box Car, 10'6" IH. CP Rail
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #5517-O |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Script, 63-67
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #8479-O |
CPR Hood Units, Maroon & Grey, Block 50-63
$25.00 CDN |
CPR #85641-O |
50' Box Car. CP Rail Newsprint Service
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #9007-O |
Gas Electric with Nose Stripes in Dulux Gold
$11.00 CDN |
CPR #9200-O |
Dayliner. Tuscan side stripes with yellow tiger stripe ends
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Chat-O |
Canadian Chateau Class Sleepers - no stripes supplied
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Din-O |
Canadian Dining Cars - no stripes supplied
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Man-O |
Canadian Manor Class - no stripes supplied
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Park-O |
Canadian Park Class - no stripes supplied
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Pass-OD |
CPR "O" Scale passenger cars in Dulux Gold
$11.00 CDN |
CPR Pass-OG |
CPR "O" Scale passenger cars in Gold Leaf
$11.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Reefers |
CPR #275779 |
CPR Stock Cars Block or Script 1930-1967
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #280058 |
CPR 8 Hatch Reefer - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #281320 |
CPR 8 Hatch Reefer - 3 Step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #283365 |
CPR 8 Hatch Reefer - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #284683 |
CPR 40ft Wood Reefer-Fishbelly Underframe
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #285606 |
CPR Mechanical Reefer - Silver in Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #289250 |
CPR 40ft Wood Reefer - Straight Underframe
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR S-Scale Cars |
CPR #2345-DS |
CPR Steam locomotives - Dulux Gold
$17.00 CDN |
CPR #2345-GS |
CPR Steam locomotives - Gold
$17.00 CDN |
CPR PassD-S |
CPR Passenger Cars in Dulux Gold
$11.00 CDN |
CPR PassG-S |
CPR Passenger Cars in Gold Leaf
$11.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
CPR Box Cars |
CPR #167061 |
CPR Insulated/heated, orange box car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #191220 |
CPR 36' Single Sheathed Dominion or Fowler Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #19442-H |
Wood box car, Arched Lettering 1890-1912
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #199801 |
CPR 36' Double sheathed box car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #202069 |
CPR 50ft Steel Box Car , Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #224088 |
CPR 40ft Plywood Side Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #225058 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 9' 4" IH - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #225296 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 9' 4" IH - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #225306 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 9' 4" IH - 3 Step
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #236744 |
CPR 40' Single Sheathed Box Car (USRA Clone)
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #244349 |
CPR 40ft steel, 8' 7" IH (mini box) - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #244368 |
CPR 40ft steel, 8' 7" IH (mini box) - 3 Step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #245293 |
CPR 40ft steel, 8' 7" IH (mini box) - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #249645 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #250582 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - 3 step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #250583 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' IH - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #252293 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - 3 step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #252294 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #252299 |
CPR 40ft Steel, 10' 6" IH - Spans the World
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #268541 |
CPR 40ft Steel, International of Maine for PS1. 3 Step Gothic or Plain
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #268858 |
CPR 40ft Steel, International of Maine for PS1. Script or Plain
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #268888 |
CPR 40ft Steel, International of Maine for PS1. Spans the World or Plain
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #294360 |
CPR 40' Steel Double Door - 3 step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #297720 |
CPR 40ft Double Door, Single Sheathed Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #35646 |
CPR 40ft Steel Box car 40's 3 step Gothic Insulated plug door Box car
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #35647 |
CPR 40' Steel Plug Door Box Car - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #53812 |
CPR 40' Box Car, 8' Door - Stepped Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #53813 |
CPR 40' Box Car, 8' Door - Script Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #56896 |
CPR 40' Steel Newsprint Box, 8' Door - Script
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #57566 |
CPR 40' Steel Newsprint Box, 8' Door - 3 step Gothic
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #80475 |
50' Box Car Brown-large script on left & newspaper shield on right
$8.00 CDN |
CPR #81038-H |
CPR 50' Box cars - 'Pine Tree' 1966-1967
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Dominion Atlantic Railway |
DAR #555GL |
Dominion Atlantic Steam Engines Gold Leaf - Passenger
$11.00 CDN |
DAR #6560-H |
DAR Diesel Locomotives
$11.00 CDN |
DAR #903-DH |
Dominion Atlantic Steam Engines Dulux Gold - Freight
$11.00 CDN |
DAR #9058 |
DAR Atlantic Dayliner
$8.00 CDN |
DAR #Pass-D |
Dominion Atlantic Passenger Cars - Dulux Gold Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
DAR #Pass-G |
Dominion Atlantic Passenger Cars - Gold Leaf Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
E&N |
Esquimault & Nanaimo Railroad |
E&N #1700 |
Esquimalt & Nanaimo Caboose. Will letter as E&N or CPR
$8.00 CDN |
E&N #62-GH |
Esquimalt & Nanaimo steam engine in gold leaf. Esquimalt & Nanaimo on tender
$8.00 CDN |
Esquimalt & Nanaimo passenger cars in gold leaf.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Grand Trunk Western |
CNR#300-07 |
GTW classic Era passenger car (2 sheets)
$16.00 CDN |
GTW #206424 |
GTW 206400-206499 Steel 8-Hatch Reefer. Post 61 Noodel Scheme
$8.00 CDN |
GTW #206924 |
GTW Wood Reefer Series 206900-206999
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 106500 |
GTW 106500-108499 Rebuilt 36' Twin Hoppers
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 111600 |
GTW Offset triple hopper 111600-112099
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 112100 |
GTW 112100-112199 3-Bay Hopper
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 113700 |
GTW 113700-113874 twin Covered Hoppers
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 145400 |
GTW 145400-145699 War Emergency 52'6" Gondola
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 206424 |
GTW Post 61, Eight hatch Reefer, Black Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 206438 |
GTW 206400-206499 Steel 8-Hatch Reefer
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 206900 |
GTW Wood Reefer, Post 61, Black Lettering
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 441500 |
GTW 441500-441849 40' L 8' Door Box Car with Wafer
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 470250 |
GTW 470250-470749 40' L 6' Door Box Car. Built 1921, Rebuilt 1939. Grean Lef.
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 516000 |
GTW 516000-516599 40' L7' Door Box Car as delivered with Wafer
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 581000 |
GTW 581000-581999 Single Sheathed 40' Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 585203 |
GTW 585203-585885 40' Double Door Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 591000 |
GTW 591000-591599 50' Double Door Box Car Green Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 591200 |
GTW 591200-591399 50' Double Door Box Car Built 1941
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 591400 |
GTW 591400-591599 50' Double Door Box Car White on Black Wafer
$8.00 CDN |
GTW 77000 |
GTW 77000-77975 Wood Caboose, Green Leaf on Orange Body.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Misc |
Misc |
AGT#Truck-H |
Alberta Government Telephones utility trucks. Set does Set does early era green trucks to the
modern white with blue. 2 trucks of each era.
$8.00 CDN |
Other Canadian Grain elevators
$15.00 CDN |
GACX #42594 |
Canadian Dougnut
$8.00 CDN |
Gray #1841 |
Gray Coach Bus
$8.00 CDN |
LPS #12 |
London & Port Stanley Electric Ry.
$8.00 CDN |
NJ #311 |
Naperville Junction covered hopper
$8.00 CDN |
NJ #806 |
Naperville Junction 50' Plug Door Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
NPR #65022 |
Northern Pacific TOFC flat car
$8.00 CDN |
NPR #84016-H |
Northern Pacific “Pig Palace” stock car
$8.00 CDN |
RS #14 |
Robervil & Saguenay and M&SC Cabooses
$8.00 CDN |
SASK #901-H |
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Grain Elevator - White Lettering
$11.00 CDN |
SASK #904-H |
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Grain Elevator - Yellow Lettering
$11.00 CDN |
TTC bus diesel or electric Classic era red / cream
$8.00 CDN |
TTC classic era wood street cars
$8.00 CDN |
TTWX #201 |
Terra Transport Containers
$8.00 CDN |
WEC #111 |
Winnipeg Electric/WPG Metro Bus
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
MiscCdn |
Miscellaneous Canadian Railroads |
GTR#20828-H |
Grand Trunk double sheathed box car
$8.00 CDN |
GTR#497-H |
Grand Trunk & Grand Trunk Pacific steam engines. White w Tender Outline
$8.00 CDN |
GTR & GTP passenger cars-Numbered Gold leaf
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Misc-N |
Misc N-Scale |
ACR #8336-N |
Algoma Central Ortner Cars - N-Scale
$8.00 CDN |
BAOX #833-N |
British American tank car with roundell 1947-1967
$8.00 CDN |
BCR #90387-N |
BC Rail Wood Chip Cars
$8.00 CDN |
DAR #9058-N |
Dominion Atlantic Dayliner RDC
$8.00 CDN |
NAR #101-ND |
NAR Steam Engines - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
NAR #13007 |
NAR non revenue cars
$8.00 CDN |
NAR Passenger Cars. Dark Blue sides & Ends, black roof, Dulux Gold Lettering.
$8.00 CDN |
NPR #20-N |
Northern Pacific early piggyback
$8.00 CDN |
PGE #602-ND |
PGE passenger car-Dulux Gold lettering
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#1819-N |
PGE caboose - Map on orange car.
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#1825-N |
PGE caboose in Elk scheme. White lettering Set will do 2 cabooses.
$8.00 CDN |
THB #502-N |
TH&B steam engine
$8.00 CDN |
THB #72-DN |
TH&B passenger car in Dulux gold N scale
$8.00 CDN |
THB #72-GN |
TH&B passenger car in gold leaf N scale
$8.00 CDN |
THB #77-N |
TH&B diesels
$8.00 CDN |
TTW #201-N |
Terra Transport Containers
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Misc-O |
Misc O-Scale |
BAOX #833-O |
BAOX 833 Tank Car with Roundel
$11.00 CDN |
DAR #9058-O |
Dominion Atlantic Dayline RDC with Tiger Stripes
$11.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Misc-S |
Misc S-Scale |
BAOX #833-S |
British American Tank Car - Roundel
$10.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
MiscUS |
Miscellaneous US Cars |
ACL#21011 |
ACL Pullman standard built 40' Box car
$8.00 CDN |
ACL#24165 |
Atlantic Coast Line 40' 10'6" IH AC&F Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
ARMOUR#1900-H |
Armour wood reefer
$8.00 CDN |
BAR#4108 |
Bangor & Aroostook 40' 10'6" IH AC&F Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
C&EI#66359 |
Chicago & Eastern Illinois AC&F built 40' box car skinny lettering
$8.00 CDN |
DMIR #23985 |
DMIR Ore Cars
$8.00 CDN |
DT&I #14135 |
DT&I 40' 10'6" IH AC&F Box car
$8.00 CDN |
GN #545 GH |
Great Northern Pre empire pass’ car Gold leaf
$8.00 CDN |
GN #950 DH |
Great Northern Pre empire builder pass’ car Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
ITC#5706-H |
Illinois Terminal Box car, Decal set does one 40' box car. Includes DF logo.
$8.00 CDN |
MKT #91243 |
MKT AC&F built 40' box car-The Katy serves the southwest
$8.00 CDN |
MS #3591 |
Midland Superior 40 - 53' Trailer 1960s-1980s
$8.00 CDN |
NP#120 |
Northern Pacific 10' Monad for Water Towers
$8.00 CDN |
NPR #14689 |
Northern Pacific Pre WW2 Box car, double or single sheath 1913-1942
$6.00 CDN |
NPR #19574 |
Northern Pacific Steel 40' Box Cars, 60" Monad
$8.00 CDN |
NPR #39731 |
Northern Pacific Double Sheathed Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
R #1000 |
Rutland #1000 Class 52'6" Gondola, large Rutland
$8.00 CDN |
RDG#109259 |
Reading AC&F built 40' Box car. Decal set does one 40' box car as built or 1957 repaint.
$8.00 CDN |
RI#23351 |
Rock Island AC&F built 40' box car. Rock Island 40 ft box car with either 100 years of progress,
route of the Rockets or block ROCK ISLAND on left.
$8.00 CDN |
SOO #29667 |
SOO Line Stock Car
$8.00 CDN |
WAB #15143 |
Wabash Stock Car
$8.00 CDN |
WAB #48507 |
Wabash Single Sheathed Box car
$8.00 CDN |
WAB #88489 |
Wabash 12 Welded Panel 40' Steel Box Car
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Northern Alberta Railway |
NAR #101-Dh |
NAR Steam Engines - Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
NAR #13007 |
NAR non revenue cars
$8.00 CDN |
NAR Passenger Cars. Dark Blue sides & Ends, black roof, Dulux Gold Lettering.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Pacific Great Eastern - British Columbia Railway |
BCR#90387 |
BC Rail Wood Chip Cars. Does one 903xx and one 904xx car.
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#1819-H |
PGE caboose - Map Scheme on orange car.
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#1825-H |
PGE caboose - Elk Scheme on brown car. White lettering for 2 cars.
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#3517-H |
PGE 36' Fowler box car
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#561-H |
Orange Diesel with green stripe
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#602-HD |
PGE Passenger car-Dulux Gold lettering
$8.00 CDN |
PGE#623-H |
PGE green diesels with orange lettering. Does one diesel GE 70 ton, MLW RS-3, RSC-3, RS-10,
RS-18, RSD-17, S-13 in the green body with orange lettering. Will do orange: PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN on body
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Piggyback |
Piggyback Trailers |
BIS#295 |
Bison Transport 53' Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
CARA#83-H |
Caravan Sky Blue 1970s Piggyback Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
DIR #837 |
Direct Winter 1950s-1960s piggyback trailer
$8.00 CDN |
ESSO #310-H |
Esso Tanker Truck and Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
HUS #209 |
Husband Transport
$8.00 CDN |
IMP#285-H |
Imperial Roadways Pup Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
INT#1940-H |
Intercity 1940-1960
$8.00 CDN |
MAN #102 |
Manitoba Cartage truck or trailer
$8.00 CDN |
MID#35911 |
Midland Superior Trailers 1960s-1980s
$8.00 CDN |
NP#20 |
Northern Pacific early piggy-back two-tone green scheme
$8.00 CDN |
NS #1951-H |
North Star Oil Tanker Truck
$8.00 CDN |
OK #1950-H |
OK Valley Freight Lines 1950-1962 Piggyback Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
PEN #4000-H |
Penner International 53' Trailer
$8.00 CDN |
SMITH #1-H |
Smith Transport - dark blue rectangle on silver piggyback trailer
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
QC |
Quebec Central |
QC #2350 |
Quebec Central stock car
$8.00 CDN |
QC #2908 |
Quebec Central 36' Box car
$8.00 CDN |
QC #434065 |
Quebec Central caboose in block or script
$8.00 CDN |
QC #940 DG |
Quebec Central Steam Engines in Dulux Gold
$11.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
Tank |
Private Tank Cars |
BAOX#358-H |
British American tank car Bow Tie 1927-1947
$8.00 CDN |
BAOX#833-H |
British American Tank Car Roundel 1947-1967
$8.00 CDN |
CGTX#1703-H |
CGTX tank cars 1940-1965
$8.00 CDN |
CIL#7011-H |
CIL Tank Cars
$8.00 CDN |
CMSX#7-H |
Cominco chemical tank car
$8.00 CDN |
GATX #20717-H |
GATX tank cars 1920s-1965
$8.00 CDN |
IOX #3248-H |
Imperial Oil tank car 1930-1955
$8.00 CDN |
MFLX #753-H |
McColl Frontinac tank cars 1930-1965
$8.00 CDN |
NSOX #351-H |
North Star oil 8000 gal tank car 1927-1965
$8.00 CDN |
SDRX #10896-H |
Sinclair tank car large silver lettering on black car
$8.00 CDN |
SSLX #3106 |
Semet-Solvay tankcar
$8.00 CDN |
UTLX #17450 |
UTLX tank cars 1940s -1970
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
TH&B |
Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo |
THB #069 |
TH&B pre 1957 Cabooses
$8.00 CDN |
THB #1000 |
TH&B Twin Hopper
$8.00 CDN |
THB #502 |
Toronto, Hamiltom & Buffalo Steam Engine
$8.00 CDN |
THB #68 |
TH&B pre 1968 Cabooses
$8.00 CDN |
THB #72-DH |
TH&B Passenger Cars in Dulux Gold
$8.00 CDN |
THB #72-GH |
TH&B Passenger Cars in Gold Leaf
$8.00 CDN |
THB #77 |
Toronto, Hamiltom & Buffalo Diesel or Gas Electric
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
VIA Rail Cars - HO Scale |
VIA #E-H |
VIA former CNR "E" Class sleepers. Blue car with yellow stripes
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #Green-H |
VIA former CNR "Green" and "I" Class sleepers plus Superdome
$8.00 CDN |
VIA former CNR Numbered Cars - Baggage/Coach/Dining cars
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #River-H |
VIA former CNR "River" class Sleepers. Blue car with yellow stripes.
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #Val-H |
VIA former CNR "Val, Cape, Mount" Blue car with yellow stripes.
$8.00 CDN |
Part Number |
Description |
Image |
Price in Canadian Dollars |
N-Scale VIA Rail Cars |
VIA #E-N |
VIA former CNR "E" Class sleepers. Blue car with yellow stripes
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #Green-N |
VIA former CNR "Green" and "I" Class sleepers plus Superdome
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #Numb-N |
VIA former CNR Numbered Cars - Baggage/Coach/Dining cars
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #River-N |
VIA former CNR "River" class Sleepers. Blue car with yellow stripes.
$8.00 CDN |
VIA former CNR Sky & Super Domes, Black and grey Car, 1961 - VIA
$8.00 CDN |
VIA #Val-N |
VIA former CNR "Val, Cape, Mount" Blue car with yellow stripes.
$8.00 CDN |
Updated: Wednesday, August 17, 2022
We reserve the right to correct errors and change prices without prior notice. Please note
that all prices are in Canadian Dollars.
Central Hobbies
2825 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, V5M 2E1 Phone 1-604-431-0771, Fax
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